The Spinal Cord Injury Walking track at NeuroGen has been built with a specific goal to help spinal cord injury patients. It provides these patients an open space to get the maximum functional improvement that can be achieved by means of various techniques and equipments. This training is done under the guidance of skilled physiotherapists. In order to achieve maximum output thorough examination is required. Proper assessment helps the therapist to decide aim for the patient. The goal is set as per the patients need, therapist’s duty is to make it more realistic and educate the patient and relatives about the things that can be achieved in short term and things that will take time.
The Spinal Cord Injury Walking track at NeuroGen has been built with a specific goal to help spinal cord injury patients. It provides these patients an open space to get the maximum functional improvement that can be achieved by means of various techniques and equipments. This training is done under the guidance of skilled physiotherapists. In order to achieve maximum output thorough examination is required. Proper assessment helps the therapist to decide aim for the patient. The goal is set as per the patients need, therapist’s duty is to make it more realistic and educate the patient and relatives about the things that can be achieved in short term and things that will take time.
Physiotherapists here at NeuroGen train the patients in such a way so that they are independent in bed-mobility, wheelchair mobility, ADLs and ambulation. A physiologically based approach for the rehabilitation of walking has developed known as Kunming walking therapy to regain mobility in patients with spinal cord injury. It compels the body to support itself vertically and induces the brain to force new neural connections and enhance neural plasticity. Kunming walking program has different level of walking. The other therapeutic techniques like strengthening of the available muscles, activation of core muscles, suspension therapy, bed mobility training, transfer training and gait training in parallel bars has significantly improved the outcomes in patients with spinal cord injury.
Neurogen helps in providing you everything under one roof. We have skilled Neurologist(Consultant), physiotherapist, Occupational therapist, Psychologist, Speech therapist and Aquatic therapist. We also refer our patients to urologist to solve the bowel and bladder issues and Andrologist for queries regarding sexual life. Walking is important but here in Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute we focus in all the other things mentioned above including walking to get the maximum output and help you be independent in all the possible ways.
Neurorehabilitation facilitates neural plasticity and improves neural connectivity. Physiotherapy as a part of neurorehabilitation helps stimulate the injected bone marrow-derived cells and guides them to target damaged areas, where the cells need to exert their actions. Neurorehabilitation stimulates the nerve cells and the supporting cells in the brain and spinal cord to function at their optimum capacity, by releasing growth factors, improving oxygenation and increasing blood supply. Once cells are regenerated, goal directed physiotherapy helps the regenerated cells to function optimally and develop connections, thus improving motor functions. Thus physiotherapy helps in the repair of damaged areas of spinal cord.
- Modified Independence
Proper rehabilitation helps a patient to achieve modified independence. Now you may ask what is the use if I cannot walk, but if you can carry out all your day to day activities like getting up on bed, transfers, bathing, dressing, toilet hygiene, grooming and eating independently without any physical assistance that can make a huge difference in life.
- Retaining a Work life
One more thing which people give up easily after spinal cord injury is their work life. It will take some time for one to figure out what they can do to earn but nothing is impossible if you have strong will, supportive family and strength to try harder.
- Specialised Physiotherapists
Physiotherapists who are specialized in spinal cord injury rehabilitation, can help you bring the best in you.