Special educational techniques provide maximum stimulation to the injected bone marrow-derived cells through various remedial techniques in different aspects. Special Education as a matter of study is vast and has in combination a number of therapies integrated like Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy and any other therapeutic procedure appropriate enough to fit in the rehabilitation cum intervention schedule of a child with differentiated needs, thus special education is best source to provide maximum stimulation to cells to train and learn all desirable.
The special education centres are responsible to draft a comprehensive plan keeping in mind that there is room for flexibility in the current plan as a child behaviour is a complex, dynamic and there could be learning aim which a child could achieve faster and other ones at a slower pace. Across the special education, the trainers and educators observe the following activities and procedure in their IEPs:
- Learning through picture and cue cards.
- Learning through puzzles and picture boards.
- Customized riddles
- Mathematical Puzzles
- Interactive Reading Material and much more