Mr AK, 27 year old, who had been living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy for all his life, was determined not to let the disease take a toll on him. Mr AK was only a mere 3 and a half years old when he was accidentally discovered to have signs of muscular dystrophy, during a routine health check up when his father mentioned to the doctor about his difficulty in getting up when sitting on the floor and his tendency to frequently fall while running. The doctor suggested a muscle biopsy and the results sent a wave of despair in the heart of his parents when it confirmed the diagnosis of DMD, the most rapidly progressive form of muscular dystrophy. He was immediately put on medications. Parents also tried alternative treatments like homeopathy and ayurvedic medications; however, not many improvements were seen. Their biggest fears began being realised, when he had respiratory distress at the age of 14 years and had to be put on the ventilator. “My life was on hold, I did not know what to do. Ultimately, I was left with no choice but to accept the situation. Put aside my pain and sorrow and to move ahead to give AK the life he deserved.” said his father.

They first approached NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute in the year 2012. On examination, it was observed that he had extensive muscle weakness and wasting. He underwent autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for muscular dystrophy in India, along with a rehabilitation program under the supervision of experts in the field. He was given specialized sessions for physiotherapy, occupational therapy and psychological assessments. The aim of the rehabilitation program was to improve his vital capacity. He was given passive exercises, breathing exercises and exercises to improve bilateral hand functions. In spite of requiring respiratory assistance, AK’s condition became relatively stable post muscular dystrophy treatment with cell therapy. He was more lively and cheerful and started operating his computer independently.

Improvements seen in AK post first autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for muscular dystrophy treatment in India, at NeuroGen BSI:

  • His breathing tube was removed after the first month post autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for muscular dystrophy in India, and he was able to spontaneously breathe better.

  • His finger, leg and toe movements were seen.

  • His face looked more lively and vital

  • He felt more confident and mentally settled.

  • He could use the fingers of his right hand for operating his computer.

Following these improvements, they decided to go ahead with another round of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for muscular dystrophy treatment in India in 2013 September. The improvements seen in AK, post his second muscular dystrophy cell treatment, were as follows:

  • His stamina had improved

  • Swallowing had improved

  • Hand muscle wasting was lesser

  • Speech was louder

  • He attempts to speak more


Mr. JC, 29 years old, was exhibiting visible signs of LGMD since the year 2003 and he was finally diagnosed with Limb Girdle Muscular dystrophy in 2006. In spite of physical therapy and medications, he was not very happy with the results he had attained so far. “I was on the lookout for something that could provide a definite, tangible improvement in my condition. While searching through the internet, I came across patient testimonial videos from NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute and thought about going there and visiting the doctors for muscular dystrophy treatment in India.” said JC.

JC first approached NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute in March 2013. On examination it was observed that he complained of tripping while walking, imbalance, slipping of footwear, early fatigue while walking, increased pain and sweating in bilateral lower extremities since 2003. Gradually, his weakness progressed in upper extremities as well. He started walking with support after a short while and stopped with stair climbing eventually, followed by difficulty in getting up from the floor. On assessment there was increased sweating while walking, early fatigue, difficulty in sitting for long without support, walking with the help of crutches for 1 km on a plain surface and without crutches he could walk up to 3-4 steps only. He also complained of frequent falls.

He underwent cell treatment for muscular dystrophy in India at NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute, along with the customized rehabilitation program. He was taught exercises to strengthen his ankle and toe movements, with the aim of improving his balance while standing. He was also advised and trained to increase his overall stamina and to strengthen his lower and upper extremities by means of exercise. Together, the aim of the rehabilitation program was to improve his overall quality of life.

“I feel mentally enabled and happy after the neuroregenerative rehabilitative therapy I underwent at NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute. Today, I’m running a business of commercial interior designing. There are days when I do feel low because of my condition, however, that has not put me off. My family, especially my parents and my wife are my biggest support system. They have been with me always and encouraged all my work.” says JC.

Here are the detailed facts about JC’s improvements after cell treatment for muscular dystrophy treatment in India :

  • His stamina improved.

  • He could exercise for longer.

  • He felt his balance improved while standing and attempting to walk.

  • There was an increase in strength of his upper extremities.