Miss RA, a 14 year old female had a severe case of Cerebral Palsy with Intellectual Disability since the age of three years. She had complicated problems like fever since the third day related with seizures for 24 hours. She was admitted in the NICU for 24 days. Subsequently, she used to get seizure episodes every six months and on any climatic changes. For that, she was on a daily medication. She had not undergone any rehabilitation.

She was brought to NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute in April, 2013 showing main concerns in inability to follow commands, restlessness, hyperactivity, self stimulating behavior, cognition severely affected, attention deficit, bowel bladder dependent, dependent for ADL, temper tantrums, recognizes family members, aggressive behavior like hitting people when angry, pulling her hair and self pinching and difficulty cutting hair and cutting nails.

On further study, she was hypertonic, an hyperreflexic, poor postural reaction, bilateral hamstrings tightness, walks with the assistance of parents in diplegic pattern, poor voluntary control of all four limbs.

She underwent cell treatment for intellectual disability the same month.

They came for 1st follow up in August, 2013 and the following changes were seen:

  • Eye contact had improved to at least 1 second.

  • Improvement in cognition.

  • Ability to play with toys.

  • A better understanding of her surrounding.

  • Better attention and concentration.

  • Ability to follow commands.

  • Better problem solving.

  • Improvement in behaviour.

  • Reduced aggression up to 15%.

  • Willingness to eat all kinds of food as opposed to not being able to tolerate spicy food.

  • Interest in dressing up & accessories.

  • Reduction in laughter without context.

  • Physically, the stiffness in her body reduced.

  • Ability to ascend and descend stairs with minimal support.

  • Ability to walk with a walker at home.

  • Began transitional movements.

  • Improved awareness was noticed by teachers. Earlier she would sit alone whereas now if there isn’t anyone in the class she steps out of the classroom.

  • More attentiveness and less falling asleep in class.

  • Improved activity.

Her parents expressed, “Hers was a rare case and we never thought that she had the chance to lead a normal life. But thanks to the team at NeuroGen, and the Intellectual Disability Treatment through autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting our daughter is leading a new life all over again. She has become so adaptable and can reason out things on her own. Her concentration levels have improved. Her eating habits have changed and today she is less choosy of what she wants to eat. Earlier she disliked wearing accessories like bangles but now she is more than happy to wear and flaunt them. Adding to that, all her physical conditions like body stiffness have improved. We are happy that she is rediscovering the life of normal childhood, a beautiful realization she missed all these years. Her life story have inspired, strengthened and instilled more value in us as parents. We are proud that she was born to us.”