Usually seen in very young children, cerebral palsy is an abnormal brain development in the patient and is caused due to the injury of the brain. Many times, it is seen that it occurs either before birth or just after birth. In fact, it is a collection of conditions where the child faces a lack of voluntary movement and co-ordination. The child has a restriction in movements, and even the brain does not develop the way it should. Every child who is suffering from cerebral palsy is different, and there are different conditions that they face, and so a careful treatment should be opted for every child with tailored therapies.
For the parents and caregivers of the patients, it is important to know the best treatment options available to help the child live an independent life. Cerebral palsy treatment is now available at NeuroGen BSI, Mumbai, India that has a team of expert doctors for carrying out stem cell therapy. It is a very effective therapy that is said to treat other disorders like stroke and Autism as well.
Symptoms of autism
Often, we see that the damage to the brain is not repairable and the child is left with several symptoms that will stay for life if not treated.
1. There is lack of muscle coordination of voluntary movements
2. Weakness in arms or legs
3. Crouched gait or scissor gait
4. Stiff muscles
5. Delays in reaching motor skills
There are conditions like intellectual disability, delayed growth and development and even impaired vision or hearing loss. Of course, the severity from child to child is different.
Treatment available
At NeuroGen BSI, you can avail stem cell therapy which is great for severe disorders like cerebral palsy. Currently, they use the adult stem cells from the patient itself to be implanted back after purification and testing for the best cells. The patient after the treatment can experience several positive changes in the body.
Rehabilitation is followed after stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy. There is an intensive process of rehabilitation that comprises of occupational therapy, psychological therapy, speech therapy, etc.; the patient is also advised specialized diets, yoga therapy and more.
The results are very encouraging as the child shows improvements like:
1. Better coordination
2. Improved motor skills
3. Balanced trunk activity
4. Upper and lower limb activity
5. Muscle tone and ambulation
Stem cell treatment is safe and hundreds of patients have shown significant improvement after opting for NeuroGen BSI.