A pervasive behavioural problem seen in children today is Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which is associated with psychiatric disorder, marked with oppositional defiant and persistent anger towards parents or teachers. ADHD in adults displays anxiety and mood change and when paired with the intake of drugs or cigarettes, the person may experience panic, unstable relationships, depression or low self-esteem. ADHD in children with bipolar disorder present psychiatric issue like extreme joy or sorrow. ADHD is detected during early childhood, however, at times, it is not diagnosed until later in life.
Several abnormalities in the brain such as a decreased size of nerve groups in areas of the brain that are associated with vital tasks. Several medicines for ADHD have shown side effects such as insomnia, loss of appetite or an upset stomach. ADHD treatment for adults or children is the same but many antihypertensive drugs are associated with many unwanted side effects. People usually opt for a treatment that involves stimulant drugs, psychological counselling for mental health conditions. However, stem cell therapy for ADHD normalizes the activity of the nervous system and blocks the autoimmune process, thereby improving the speech, behaviour and cognitive abilities of the child.
Stem Cell Therapy for ADHD
Stem cells indicate a potential treatment and a new intervention in the medical field for treating several diseases including the disorders of the nervous system. The ability of the stem cells to differentiate and multiply has helped medical experts in taking full advantage for treating diseases where the damaged cells are replaced by the healthy ones through stem cell transplant. Stem cells are isolated from the patient’s own fat tissue or bone marrow, concentrated and injected back into the patient. The induced healthy stem cells migrate to the brain and differentiate into neuronal cells helping in the regrowth of new tissue. After transplantation, the cells are attracted to the neurodegenerative environment where they replace the dead and non-functioning cells. Thus, the benefits of Stem cell therapy for ADHD is their potential to replace dead cells, offer support for axonal restoration, re-myelination (production of myelin), and promote neurotransmitter (an electric impulse transmitted between neurons). Stem cells can also isolate neurotrophic factors like GDNF and BDNF or get differentiated into glial cells and neuronal cells helping in the regrowth of new tissue.
Hence, the benefits of stem cell therapy for ADHD is the ability of cells to transform from one type into others, assistance in neurogenesis processes, repair and regenerate hematopoietic tissues, induction of angiogenesis as well as autoimmune the disease.
After transplantation, the cells are attracted to the neurodegenerative environment where they replace the dead and non-functioning cells. Thus, the benefits of Stem cell therapy for ADHD is their potential to replace dead cells, offer support for axonal restoration, re-myelination (production of myelin), and promote neurotransmitter (an electric impulse transmitted between neurons). Stem cells can also isolate neurotrophic factors like GDNF and BDNF.
Hospitals, such as NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute, treat their patient with a complete comprehensive medical care of ADHD with stem cells therapy at their centers.