It is impossible to cure cerebral palsy. That is because it is a neurological disorder which does not get back to functioning like normal. This is a very complicated non-progressive disorder of the brain and there are several reasons for it. It leads to inability in performing even basic movements. The condition is severe, and cure is not yet found anywhere in the world. NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute, Mumbai, India is of the opinion that cerebral palsy can be treated with stem cells therapy. They claim that it can be treated to a level where the individual can perform certain tasks all by himself, and there is no need for the patient to depend on family members or others.
Stem cells therapy
Cerebral palsy treatment in India is possible at NGBSI under the strict supervision and advice of experts and doctors who have a deep and profound knowledge about cerebral palsy and how stem cell therapy has potential to help the patient lead a better life. Stem cell therapy is a popular form of treatment for neurological disorders like stroke, muscular dystrophy, dementia, autism, spinal cord injury, etc. If there is no cure for these conditions, stem cell therapy becomes the ultimate choice.
Benefits of stem cell therapy
1. Stem cells are procured from the body of the patient and injected into the same patient and is an easy and a hassle free procedure.
2. There are no ethical issues related to adult stem cells which NGBSI uses as they are used on the patient only.
3. Stem cell therapy is painless as there is no surgery involved and no painful treatment.
4. The procedure does not need the patient to stay in the hospital for long and is discharged after a few days.
5. The process is easy and takes place within a very less period of time. The whole procedure involves only procuring of bone marrow and then injecting it back after filtering it.
6. The stem cells accelerate body’s natural healing response and lowers pain without pain killers.
7. They reproduce quickly and divide themselves into areas even where the cells are inactive.
8. Stem cells can divide and become another type of cell with a specialized function that is brain cell, heart cell, red blood cell and muscle cell.
8. They are available in abundance at specific areas of the body and procured easily.
NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute helps patients feel better with stem cell therapy and rehabilitation therapy.