Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a cause of lasting and permanent disabilities that has affected children worldwide. This disease is characterized by problems that affect posture and body movement. Problems that are associated with brain development or an injury to the brain most often cause Cerebral Palsy. Children may have these conditions during the first 2 or 3 years of life. Sometimes, problems during pregnancy may also cause this disease.
Children affected with Cerebral Palsy cannot control their reflex movements. Different parts of the body are affected by muscle tightness. Symptoms may range from mild to more severe. Other problems like seizures,intellectual disability and problems related to hearing and vision may also occur.
Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy in Children
When cerebral palsy is severe, symptoms and signs are often evident at the time of birth or a brief time interval after birth.
Some of the common CP signs evident after birth include:
● Problems related to swallowing and/or sucking.
● Mild or severe seizures.
● Unusual postures and body positions. The baby may get unusually relaxed, or may get stiff.
● A shrill or weak cry.
Over time, the child grows to suffer from symptoms such as:
● Abnormal sensations.
● Smaller muscle growth in the affected legs or arms.
● Drooling and irritation inside the skin.
● Dental problems like gum disease and cavities.
● Accidents like falls because of improper muscle control, seizures and joint stiffness, among other causes.
Diagnosis of CP
When the disease is severe, CP can be diagnosed soon after birth. At other times, the disease is diagnosed in the first 2 years of life. Milder cases can be diagnosed up to a period of 5 years.
Abnormal growth charts, development delay, impaired and abnormal muscle tone are some of the early and clear symptoms of cerebral palsy. Doctors use a number of tests for confirming CP. Reviewing of pregnancy, assessment of the reproductive health-related factors, APGAR score, review of newborn screens, physical examination, Neuro-imaging, EEG, lab tests and evaluations relating to speech, mobility, vision and hearing among other aspects are used to diagnose CP.
Treatment Overview
Cerebral Palsy treatment aims to improve the quality of life patients, enhance their physical strength and mental abilities and prevents complications.
CP treatment includes the following:
● Physical therapy increases mobilization in children.
● Medications provide for controlling CP symptoms and also help to prevent complications caused by the disease.
● Surgery can be used for relieving the child from more severe complications.
● Use of medical support devices and other equipment like casts, braces, and splints.
● Pain management
● Stem cell therapy
Stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy treatment is the closest to treating this disease, as it treats the root abnormalities related to the disease. Stem cell therapy establishes new neural maps in the brain so that the child can have the better brain-learning capability. Stem cell therapy also provides for the establishment of new and healthy blood vessels. Stem cells (obtained from bone marrow), once transplanted, also differentiate to form the glial cells and oligodendrocytes, these are 2 important cells that provide for better brain functionality.
Stem cell treatment for CP, Autism, Dementia and the stem cell treatment for Motor neuron disease are today easily available at world class institutions like NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute (NGBSI). Post-therapy, children, and patients having neurological disorders have shown exceptional clinical improvements in a number of physical and mental health aspects.