Different Causes of Cerebral Palsy and Stem Cell Therapy

Cerebral Palsy (CP) mostly affects children during early childhood. The permanent movement disorders are evident in the form of poor body coordination. Apart from movement related difficulties, the affected child also suffers from muscle weakness, stiffening of muscles, tremors and other physical and mental abnormalities. The affected child suffers from problems related to vision, sensation, hearing speaking and swallowing. There are also problems associated with reasoning and thinking. Seizures are also present in majority of CP cases

Causes of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy can be caused due to number of reasons. Damage to the brain which occurs during development mostly causes CP. These damages mostly occur during the period of pregnancy, delivery or during the first month of child’s life. The white matter of the brain may also undergo structural problems leading to abnormal development of the brain.

The specific causes of CP include:

Causes of cerebral Palsy

1. Preterm Birth

Around 45% of children born prematurely suffer from cerebral palsy. Multiple birth babies have a higher chance of developing CP.

2. Term infants

Some babies who suffer from term risk factors may also get affected by Cerebral palsy. Birth defects, problems with the placenta, birth asphyxia, and infections may also cause CP.

3. Genetics

Around 2% of patients suffering from CP inherit it due to genetic  defects. Glutamate decarboxylase is the chief enzyme involved in the disorder.

4. Early Childhood

Lead poisoning, toxins, jaundice, stroke, brain injury, meningitis, and encephalitis can also cause the disease. The CP affected child may suffer from the above conditions.

Stem Cell therapy for Cerebral palsy treatment

Stem cells are a kind of rejuvenating cells which multiply and differentiate to form cells possessing specific functionalities. A stem cell can be obtained from body areas like tooth pulp, bone marrow, and umbilical cord among other areas. Once transplanted into the CP patient’s body , they migrate to the damaged areas of the brain where they initiate the repair process. Stem cells also secrete certain trophic factors that limit further damage to the brain. Stem cells can also differentiate to form the special cells called as oligodendrocytes and glial cells to replace the damaged cells, that play a prominent role in the functioning of the nervous system.

The main mechanism through which stem cells carry out cellular repair and regeneration and cerebral palsy treatment include:

● Establishment of the new blood vessels

● Prevention of death of cells in the neuronal population

● Multiplication of cells and their integration

● Establishment of the new neuronal maps inside the brain

Apart from Cerebral Palsy, Stem Cell Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy, Autism, and other neurological disorders is now available at premier healthcare institutions like NeuroGen Brain And Spine Institute.