Level of Intellectual Disability | IQ Range | Degree of Functioning |
Mild Intellectual Disability | IQ range: 50 to 69 |
Moderate Intellectual Disability | IQ range of 35 to 49 |
Severe Intellectual Disability | IQ range of 20 to 34 |
Profound Intellectual Disability | IQ of less than 20 |
Some of the symptoms that occur with poor developmental growth include:
- Lack of attention and concentration power
- Trouble with memory
- Reduced language ability
- Gross and fine motor coordination
- Learning, logical thinking and problem-solving abilities associated with the comprehension and response
- Social and self-care skills
- Ability to control emotion and behavior
When compared to a normal child, the rate at how an intellectually disabled child adapts to normal activities is lower.
Causes of intellectual disability
Here are some of the few risk factors or causes that can lead to intellectual disability:
- Infections that occur either at birth or occurring after birth
- Genetic abnormalities like Down syndrome, X syndrome, and PKU (phenylketonuria)
- Metabolic such as hyperbilirubinemia and very high bilirubin levels in babies
- Toxicity caused by intrauterine exposure to alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, and other drugs during pregnancy
- Nutritional deficiencies such as malnutrition during pregnancy
- Trauma before or during birth such as oxygen loss or early childhood sickness, such as whooping cough, measles, or meningitis
- Environmental factors like lead or mercury poisoning
- Unexplained category is the largest category for unexplained occurrences of intellectual disability
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![Intellectual Disability Treatment in India](https://www.neurogenbsi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/img2.jpg)
Contact Neurogen Experts
To meet with the different challenges of intellectual disability, a multifaceted advancement is needed to deal with the different injuries indicated. While, there are some patients that reach an immobile stage with an extended use of pharmacological, rehabilitative and surgical therapies, with stem cell therapy efforts are being made for the stimulation of the nervous system to heal the injury of the nervous tissues. On the grounds of showing a great potential in the area of intellectual disability management, cellular based therapies are given. Properties like self-renewal and differentiation are present in stem cells which help to produce various types of cells. Several other changes in the adjoining tissue regions comprises of alterations in the internal repair process of affected neurons, immune modulation, secretion of various growth factors, secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), formation of new blood vessels, regulation of cell death, reduction of inflammation, and activation of neighboring stem cells.These varying changes greatly develop the functioning capacity of the brain and bring a marked change in the quality of life.
Objective radiological evidence of improvement in intellectual disability
In a research trial, improvements in areas of cognition, social interaction, communication, toilet training, self care, home living and so on were seen. The ability of schooling and learning became better making their mental ability suited for their age. Ultimately the pressure of the family eases down because of these factors. In addition, the radiological findings by PET-CT Scan present a marked improvement in the lines of symptomatic factors.
Pre Cell therapy PET CT scans showing blue areas with decreased metabolism
Post Cell therapy PET CT scan showing decrease in blue areas which is replaced by green areas indicating improved functioning of the brain
An alternative remedy for intellectual disability is autologous Bone Marrow Cell therapy. Through the Cell therapy, the gap that exist that between a patient with a low IQ and a normal IQ comes closer. Certain improvements in the cognition, learning and other functions are seen. This moves a Intellectual disabled patient towards improvement.
![Intellectual Disability](https://www.neurogenbsi.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Logo_0009_Intellectual-Disability-300x179.jpg)
![Intellectual Disability](https://www.neurogenbsi.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Intellectual-Disability-Graph-300x232.jpg)
Conventional treatment options
To get the best possible treatment for intellectual disability, it is essential that one keeps track of the medical history of the patient and their family. An intelligence test is taken based on the IQ factor. One of the most common individual IQ tests taken for adults and children alike is the Wechsler IQ test. According to a survey taken, the IQ level of a intellectual disabled patient needs to be equal or less than 70. The treatment options are focused on improving a person’s trouble spots and their injury level intensity.
Through our various treatment options, we are able to improve the person’s mental ability and help them adapt normally into the society. Every intellectual disabled patient needs a different kind of medical attention so our treatment relies upon an intensive study of the social, education, psychiatric and environmental requirements. This condition is related with dreadful psychiatric disorders that needs special attention alongside psychosocial support. A treatment inclusive of the right medical supervision with rehabilitation session is precise for patients. Below listed are some treatment options that are needed:
The child’s education:
An all-inclusive treatment session especially meant for a mentally challenged child must be include education. The session should include training in adaptive skills, social skills and vocation. Proper attention and care should be given to improve their social and interactive skills.
Behavior therapy:
This therapy session helps to mould and improve the child’s manner and conduct in society. It better facilitate to reduce their brash behavior.
Cognitive therapy: This therapy session is well suited to meet the challenges faced by a intellectual disabled patient. It helps in removing artificial illusions and recreational exercises through instruction.
Psychodynamic therapy:
This therapy session works for both the patient and their family to lessen the disagreement that leads to unrelenting anxiety, rage and depression. There are complications that arise with the issue of adaptation for a mental person.
Family Education:
This session is very much essential as it gives the proper guidance in educating the patient and their family. It talks on several ground issues like improving proficiency and self confidence but still continuing to be realistic. These sessions can succeed through incessant counseling. Both parent and the child should let out their emotions and speak up of their turmoil’s.
The NeuroGen Outcome
We have treated more than 556 patients suffering from a case of intellectual disability. After the treatment, we have seen a great improvement in them.
Case Study : Intellectual Disability
Your most common questions answered
What is Intellectual Disability exactly?
Intellectual Disability is referred to an injury in overall mental ability that affects the daily activities in three major domains:
- The conceptual domain includes skills in language, reading, writing, math, reasoning, knowledge, and memory.
- The social domain refers to interpersonal communication skills, empathy, social judgment, the ability to make and retain friendships, and similar capacities.
- The practical domain centers on self-management in areas such as personal care, job responsibilities, MONEY management, recreation, and organizing school and work tasks.”
How can the diagnosis be made?
Diagnosis can be taken upon the clinical improvements and standardized intellectual testing. An IQ score of 70 or below is still regarded so as to make an analysis of Intellectual Disability.
When is the diagnosis made?
The diagnosis can be made after right after infancy right after the child starts going to school.
How early can parents seek early intervention when their baby is found to be developmentally delayed?
Parents can seek an early intervention as soon as they start noticing that the young child has a delayed development as compared to other normal children or siblings. As a parent, you must resort to quick treatment and guidance before the child reaches an advanced level of development. The first 24 months of a normal child is said to have incredible and swift growth and development.
What is the life span of a child with intellectual disabled?
Intellectual Disability does not decrease a normal life span. A lot is dependent on the reasons, seriousness of intellectual disability, associated medical problems and the level of care taken.
Will I have another child like this?
Before planning on taking the next step, it is important that you go for genetic counseling. This will depend from case to case.
Are there possibilities of other disabilities along with Intellectual Disability?
Yes. The most common co morbid disabilities include autism, cerebral palsy, hyperactivity and epilepsy.
Are there medications available to treat Intellectual Disability?
Yes there are some medications that are available for reducing symptoms visible in children with intellectual disability but there are no exact medicines available yet.
What is available in terms of treating or dealing with Intellectual disability?
A child with Intellectual Disability needs specific therapists and specialized training and one to one attention.
Special educator’s
makes programs specifically designed to address each individual child’s special needs by modifying teaching methods and the child’s environment.
Occupational therapists
focus on teaching skills in order to make the child capable of carrying out his/her basic activities of daily living. The main goal here is to make the child independent and take care of him without any assistance.
Speech Therapist
guides them on language components which include manipulating sounds, using minimal units of meaning, sentence construction as well as social aspects of communication. It has been found that many children with Intellectual disability experience trouble articulating speech due to which it affects their communication skills and forming friendships.
play a significant role in terms of assessment and classification of intellectual disability. Assessment includes carrying out a formal standardized intellectual testing (IQ test) on the child and counseling the parents accordingly. Parents need to realize the capacity or potential of their child and encourage him/her accordingly taking both his strengths and weaknesses into consideration.
Are there different types or levels of Intellectual disabled?
Yes. There are different levels of Intellectual disability which fall into mild, moderate, severe and profound.
Mild intellectual disability
– Children with a mild intellectual disability can normally learn reading, writing, and math skills between the third- and sixth-grade levels. After reaching a period of adulthood, they may have jobs and live independently.
Moderate intellectual disability
– Children with moderate intellectual disability need to learn some basic reading and writing but require supervision and monitoring in day to day living.
Severe intellectual disability
– Children with a severe intellectual disability may learn self-help skills and routines even if they are not able to read or write.
Profound intellectual disability
– Children with profound intellectual disability need thorough support for the rest of their lives. They are reliant on their family for all activities of daily living.
Is it important to send the child to school?
Yes, it is important that the child should be sent to a special or a normal school depending on the seriousness of his mental disability. It is essential that the child should be exposed to a learning environment, peers of his age and capabilities from a young age itself. Special schools offer classified education, addressing particular needs. The students to teacher ratios are held in low reserve depending on the children’s needs. There are special schools that offer alteration in order to make learning process simpler.
How does stem cell therapy work?
The biological task of stem cells is to repair and regenerate damaged cells. Stem cell therapy exploits this task by executing these cells in high concentrations directly in and around the damaged tissue, where they move its self-healing and restoration forward.
There are certain areas that cause mental damage found in children with intellectual disability and can be seen on the PET CT Scan brain. Stem cells therapy works on these affected areas and help to improve the proper functioning of these areas.
Are there ethical concerns surrounding adult stem cell research and therapy?
Bone marrow transplantation has effectively been used for inherent disorders of blood, such as sickle cell anemia, thalessemia, as well as cancers such as leukemia. Since our therapy uses autologous cells, there are no major ethical concerns. Ethical concerns are mainly based on the use of embryonic stem cells which we do not use.
Does the treatment have any side effects?
Stem cell therapy is invasive and rationally safe. Till date, there is no such patient that has shown any neurological weakening related with the stem cell therapy. Some side effects like headache (spinal headache) lasting 3-4 days which is generally self limiting, neck/back pain, vomiting, some mild rash or pain at the site of bone marrow aspiration/stem cell injection may occur. However, like any other medical or surgical treatment unexpected complications are always a possibility. These complications may be related to the medicines given, the stem cell procedure, the anesthesia, and the rehabilitation or to any of the preexisting medical or neurological conditions.
In case of children with seizures, or previous history of seizures or an abnormal EEG, a small possibility of triggering seizures can be there. However, proper antiepileptic cover/drugs could circumvent this problem.
How long will it take me to know that I have benefitted from the treatment?
Maximum improvements are seen around 3-6 months after the treatment. However, in many patients there are slow progressive improvements that continue for several months or years later. Most patients show immediate improvements even before the discharge.
Is the Bone Marrow Cell transplantation done once or more than once?
The decision to do the therapy a second time is taken after studying the progress and improvements after the first therapy. If the patients show positive improvement, then the case is reviewed by the entire medical and rehabilitation team. Certain special imaging tests like PET CT Scan of the brain would be frequent and then a second treatment may be optional. This can be done anytime between 3-6 months of the first therapy.
Can other treatments be taken at the same time?
We will study what other medications the patient is already on. In most cases, we do not put an end to any already going on treatment. However this is decided on a case by case basis. Please inform us about any medications you are taking beforehand.
Will my child improve after stem cell therapy?
We have treated over 25 patients with intellectual disability. They were executed with autologous stem cells, intrathecally. On further study, maximum of the patients improved in various areas of symptoms such as cognition, social interaction, communication, toilette training, self care, home living and so on. Their schooling improved and their learning ability improved, so the mental development starts to become age suitable. This in turn eases the pressure of the caretaker and the family. Overall mental development is improved and is recorded as improvement in IQ.