What is Spinal
Cord Injury?

The spinal cord is the chief line of the nerve tissues from where the spinal nerves surface, connecting the brain and the vertebral canal to the rest of the body. A spinal cord injury, can sometimes lead to permanent impairment. A spinal cord injury can occur when any spinal nerve in the spinal canal undergoes major damage. Defects in the sensory, motor and reflex messages, are detected after a spinal cord injury. After such a trauma, a person may not be able to function properly and the condition could worsen when the level of injury is higher.


Spinal cord injuries can be differentiated on the basis of either the level of the spine injured, or the extent of the connection loss between the brain and the spinal cord.

Depending on the extent of loss of connection:

The complete type of spinal cord injury occurs when the connection between the brain & spinal cord is completely lost due to a complete severance.

This implies a complete loss of function and sensation. A complete spinal cord injury, causes inability of control over movements. However, after rigorous spinal cord injury treatment, with exercise and Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Grafting there could be some regaining of function.



In an incomplete spinal cord injury, the severance of the cord is not complete. There is still some retention of either sensation or function. So an incomplete spinal cord injury patient may experience some sensory activity below the injured area. These types of spinal cord injuries have a greater chance of improvement after meticulous spinal cord injury treatment. As the quality of spinal cord treatment and first response has improved, the chances of complete cord injuries has reduced, which has improved the chances of spinal cord recovery as well.


Depending on the Levels of SCI :

There are four levels of the spine; Cervical, Thoracic or Dorsal, Lumbar & Sacral, which are responsible for various movements and sensations in the different parts of the body. Depending on the level of spinal cord injury, the extent and severity of the injury varies.


Cervical Spinal Cord Injury / Quadriplegia (Tetraplegia):

A cervical spinal cord injury involves the loss of movement & function in all four limbs. Quadriplegia involves the arms, legs, hands and pelvis after a cervical spinal cord injury. The spinal cord injury symptoms associated with a cervical spinal cord injury are difficulty in respiration, loss of bladder & bowel movement, loss of limb function. Due to prolonged lack of movement, this type of spinal cord injury increases the chances of bedsores, or decubitus ulcers.


Thoracic (Dorsal) Spinal Cord Injury / Paraplegia:

Paraplegia or a thoracic spinal cord injury affects the trunk, legs and pelvis region. The spinal cord injury symptoms associated with paraplegia are a loss of sensation, movement and function, in the middle to lower half of the body. The loss of sensation and function is from below the level of injury. The higher the level of this spinal cord injury, the more severe is the extent of damage.


Lumbar & Sacral Spinal Cord Injury:

The damage to the lumbar & sacral spine can result in symptoms such as some extent of loss in bladder & bowel function, sexual function, or even lower limb function (hips & legs). They may even be able to walk, however, there could be some extent of functional loss.



The intensity of the damage to the nerve fibers in the spinal cord can manifest into the following spinal cord injury symptoms are:

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury


Below the level of injury there can be a loss of sensation or an inability to differentiate sensations and feel heat, cold and touch.

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury

Muscle Tone

Depending on the degree of injury, (complete /incomplete), weakness of muscle occurs, with a change in tone.

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury, Spinal Cord Injury

Bladder & bowel control

The patient may experience a loss of control of the bowel and/or bladder movements.

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury


There may be involuntary movements or inflated reflex actions, or seizures.

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury

Sexual Function

Unnatural sexual function and sensitivity

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury

Circulatory Control

May lead to blood pressure issues, (orthostatic pressure) with swelling of the extremities.

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury

Respiratory Symptoms

In cervical & thoracic injuries especially, there may be Signs of breathing problems and coughing

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury

Fitness & Wellness

Weakness and muscle wastage is a common phenomenon of SCIs.

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injurys

Pain & Depression

Often, due to the life altering magnitude of an SCI, patients may experience pain & even depression.

Spinal Cord Injury Causes


Spinal cord injury occurs due to the severity of the damage to the vertebrae, ligaments or disks of the spinal column. The injury can be traumatic and non-traumatic.

Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury:

An unexpected harm to the spine in the form of dislocations, compressing the vertebrae and fractures, leads to traumatic spinal cord injury.

Spinal Cord Injury Causes

Motor vehicle accidents


Spinal Cord Injury Causes



Spinal Cord Injury Causes



Spinal Cord Injury Causes



Spinal Cord Injury Causes



Spinal Cord Injury Causes

Unsupervised sport activities



Non-Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury:

A non-traumatic spinal cord injury may be secondary to diseases such as:

Spinal Cord Injury Causes



Spinal Cord Injury Causes



Spinal Cord Injury Causes

Spinal cord inflammation


Spinal Cord Injury Causes



Spinal Cord Injury Causes

Spinal disk deteriortion


A Spinal Cord Injury damages the nerve cells and causes an inflammation. The first response for a Spinal Cord Injury Treatment is always to stabilise the spine to prevent any further spinal cord damage. Intense rehabilitation, so as to prevent any permanent deformities in the limbs affected, as well as to stimulate a response from the affected parts is the second step of a spinal cord injury treatment.


How Can Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Grafting Treat Spinal Cord Injury?

Bone Marrow-Derived Cell Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury


Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Grafting Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Grafting for spinal cord injury has great potential. Extensive research has been conducted in animal models and humans in autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury. It focuses on replacing the lost or damaged cells and promoting axonal growth and remyelination of axons for spinal cord treatment. The cells migrate to the site of injury and initiate a repair process. They release trophic factors to stop neuronal degeneration and stimulate angiogenesis. These factors also activate the dormant cells and recruit them to the injured site.


Experimental models of Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Grafting for spinal cord injury have demonstrated the formation of functional neuronal circuits promoting functional recovery. They also modulate the immune response after a spinal cord injury, induce breakdown of inhibitory scars within the spinal cord and eliminate cell debris and protect neurons.


Spinal cord injury treatment within six months of injury, lowers the risk of inflammation. autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury facilitates neuroprotection and neuroregeneration to form fresh synapses and axonal sprouting that helps in the growth formation of newer neurons. We adopt the use of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury in certain cases to improve the growth of the prevailing tissues by angiogenesis and neuro-protection.


When the latent source of the cells quickly rise and fall there’s an action potential which leads to a repair and renewal process of cells like neurons and glial cells, which transmit electrochemical impulses through autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury. The cells transmit and act as carriers of information linking the brain and the spinal cord. Additionally, it helps regenerate the myelin sheath and boost the alacrity of the nerve conveyance. Cell tissues are regenerated to form blood supply through the discharge of neurotrophic factors, cytokines and other molecules. All these factors help in generating a new structural order for newer nerve cells at the damaged area.






The advancement of Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Grafting for spinal cord injury in India, has been dramatically changing the perception that individuals who suffer spinal cord injuries are destined to a life of bedridden exile. At NeuroGen, in India, cell treatment for spinal cord injury has shown the following improvements:


Spinal Cord Injury

Improved trunk control

Spinal Cord Injury

Standing balance


Spinal Cord Injury

Sitting balance

Spinal Cord Injury



Spinal Cord Injury


Spinal Cord Injury

Bladder movements


Spinal Cord Injury

Improved postural hypotension



Statistics of overall improvements in patients after autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for Spinal Cord Injury in India, at NeuroGen BSI


In acute thoracolumbar injury and paraplegia, 91%

In cervical injury and quadriplegia, 74%




There is a correlation between the improved motion of the nerve tissues in the injured areas and the improvement seen in our patients after cell treatment for spinal cord injury in India. It can be conceived with the help of the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) scanning process. By FMRI, we mean the knowledge of neuroimaging tools that facilitates the activity in the brain area.


Objective radiological Improvements (Brain FMRI) after autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting in spinal cord injury




Regenerative Medicine for Spinal cord Injury in India, at NeuroGen involves a holistic & individualised approach. We have a dedicated Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Walking track for our patients. The rehabilitation provided is a revolutionary method of rehabilitation of spinal cord injury patients. This rehabilitation process is known as "Kunming locomotor training" carried out on a special walking track for patients with spinal cord injury and paraplegia. This program includes progressive training to improve weight bearing and walking without splints or any assistive devices. It is based on the rule of 6 which is "6 hours of walking per day for 6 days a week for 6 months" using Kunming walker. This often leads to patients with paraplegia walking independently without splints at the end of 6 months.


Success is the result of hard work and persistence

01. What is the difference between paraplegia & Quadriplegia?

Paraplegia can be defined as losing control of movement and sensation from the waist down whereas the term Quadriplegia includes loss of function in the upper body, arms and hands.

02. What is the difference between a complete and incomplete injury?

By Complete spinal cord injury we mean injuries that have effectively no transmission of signals across a spinal cord lesion and no voluntary control of movement or perception of sensations below the lesion. Whereas by Incomplete’ injuries we mean, the undamaged pathways across the spinal cord lesion. The outcome can be extremely changeable depending on which parts of the spinal cord are damaged.

03. Do people with SCI ever get better?

There is some possibility for some function to recuperate after a spinal cord injury. It is important that the main measures to reduce the injury should be taken immediately after any spinal cord injury. This helps in preventing secondary injuries and reduces the severity of the problem.

04. Does Spinal cord injury treatment offer a cure?

There are chances of spinal cord injuries getting healed after a period of time in some cases. But the same cannot be said about the central nervous system. The injury caused on the spinal cord and brain takes time to heal. An effort can be made to regenerate new cells by stopping the mechanisms that end neurons from growing.

05. What is life expectancy after SCI?

A spinal cord injury will not decrease the mortality rate of a person. Some complications may occur if proper care is not taken in time for a spinal cord injury. There are problems that occur like chronic kidney failure, chest infections and deep vein thrombosis. If all the complications are treated in time, the minor issues can be thwarted.

06. What care does a patient/caretaker of a SCI need to take after the injury? What are the “MUST KNOWS”?

We keep our treatment focus on surgery or fixing of the vertebra. Caretakers and patients need to be counseled about, what to expect after injury. They should understand that a spinal cord injury extends over a period of six months. At the initial stage, the hands and legs would be loose or flaccid. At a later stage, it becomes stiff and spastic. It should be followed up with physiotherapy or rehabilitation session. Remember to turn over the patient every two hours to prevent bedsores. The patients need to drink a lot of liquid in order to prevent urinary tract infection.

07. How sexuality is affected by spinal cord injury and is it possible to conceive a child?

Sexual function of a patient gets generally affected with a spinal cord injury. It is possible to revitalize the patient, with the help of an andrologist. In our experience, we have observed that with the help of medicines the males with sexual dysfunction have been able to have intercourse.

08. What is the role of rehabilitation and how can NeuroGen help us?

The essential role of rehabilitation is to help patients with spinal cord injuries and help them become more independent with their daily activities. NeuroGen provides a tailor-made therapy protocol for every patient, with the intent of achieving this independence.

09. What is the role of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury?

autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting is possible for treating spinal cord injuries. Transplantation studies in animals have shown that a transplantation of bone marrow-derived cells or stem-cell-derived cells may add to spinal cord repair by: The interchangeability of the nerve cells that may have passed on owing to producing new cells that restructure the insulating nerve sheath.

To avert an increase in the spinal cord injury level by repressing the harmful inflammation after the occurrence of an injury

10. How does autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury work?

The biological task of bone marrow-derived cells is to replenish and renew damaged cells. autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury exploits this role by administering these cells in high concentrations directly in and around the damaged tissue, where they move forward with its self healing and repair.

11. Are there ethical concerns surrounding adult cell research and therapy?

No, there are no ethical concerns surrounding adult cell research and therapy. Ethical concerns are mostly occurs through the use of embryonic cells. Our cell treatment for spinal cord injury consists of using cells which are taken out from the patient’s own body and it is free from ethical concerns.

12. Is the autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury treatment painful?

No, the autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury is not painful as the therapy is done under local anesthesia and mild sedation. There is no major pain or discomfort during or after the procedure.

13. Does the treatment have any side effects?

The whole cell treatment for spinal cord injury is safe and till date none of our patients have shown any signs of neurological deterioration. In rare cases, side effects like headache for 3-4 days, neck or back pain, vomiting, mild rash or pain at the area of bone marrow aspirations may arise. Some unexpected medical complications can occur but that is just a possibility.

14. How long will it take me to know that I have benefitted from the treatment?

The cell treatment for spinal cord injuries varies from patient to patient. Some patients make a speedy improvement by 3-6 months while in some cases patients take several months or years together to heal. And there are some patients that recover even before their discharge

15. Is the transplantation of the cells done once or more than once?

The transplantation of cells will depend on the condition of the patient. If the patient shows signs of improvement after the first surgery then a second transplantation may be suggested by a team of experts. The second transplantation can transpire anytime between 3-6 months of the first therapy.

16. Can other treatments be taken at the same time?

We will have to review the entire dose of medication before coming upon a decision. Generally we do allow the patients to continue their other medication. But it is better to consult a doctor beforehand

17. How much improvement will the patient have?

Since autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury is a new therapy and not an existing one, it is difficult to say. It will depend on several factors like the age of patient, type of illness, duration of illness and extent of rehabilitation taken after the treatment.



This case is a 41 years old contractor who fell from a height from his construction site in late 2010. He injured his lower back (D12) that led to paralysis down the waist with no sensation and bladder and bowel control. He was immediately hospitalized and surgery was done for spine stabilization as there was partial cord damage with...




Here is a case report of a Paraplegic patient, Mrs. KB, who with the help of Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Grafting for spinal cord injury carried out at NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute, has been able to achieve a new life after the injury KB was a 26 year old young woman, who sustained a severe spinal cord injury in a grave road accident; her car suddenly...



01. What is the difference between paraplegia & Quadriplegia?

Paraplegia can be defined as losing control of movement and sensation from the waist down whereas the term Quadriplegia includes loss of function in the upper body, arms and hands.

02. What is the difference between a complete and incomplete injury?

By Complete spinal cord injury we mean injuries that have effectively no transmission of signals across a spinal cord lesion and no voluntary control of movement or perception of sensations below the lesion. Whereas by Incomplete’ injuries we mean, the undamaged pathways across the spinal cord lesion. The outcome can be extremely changeable depending on which parts of the spinal cord are damaged.

03. Do people with SCI ever get better?

There is some possibility for some function to recuperate after a spinal cord injury. It is important that the main measures to reduce the injury should be taken immediately after any spinal cord injury. This helps in preventing secondary injuries and reduces the severity of the problem.

04. Does Spinal cord injury treatment offer a cure?

There are chances of spinal cord injuries getting healed after a period of time in some cases. But the same cannot be said about the central nervous system. The injury caused on the spinal cord and brain takes time to heal. An effort can be made to regenerate new cells by stopping the mechanisms that end neurons from growing.

05. What is life expectancy after SCI?

A spinal cord injury will not decrease the mortality rate of a person. Some complications may occur if proper care is not taken in time for a spinal cord injury. There are problems that occur like chronic kidney failure, chest infections and deep vein thrombosis. If all the complications are treated in time, the minor issues can be thwarted.

06. What care does a patient/caretaker of a SCI need to take after the injury? What are the “MUST KNOWS”?

We keep our treatment focus on surgery or fixing of the vertebra. Caretakers and patients need to be counseled about, what to expect after injury. They should understand that a spinal cord injury extends over a period of six months. At the initial stage, the hands and legs would be loose or flaccid. At a later stage, it becomes stiff and spastic. It should be followed up with physiotherapy or rehabilitation session. Remember to turn over the patient every two hours to prevent bedsores. The patients need to drink a lot of liquid in order to prevent urinary tract infection.

07. How sexuality is affected by spinal cord injury and is it possible to conceive a child?

Sexual function of a patient gets generally affected with a spinal cord injury. It is possible to revitalize the patient, with the help of an andrologist. In our experience, we have observed that with the help of medicines the males with sexual dysfunction have been able to have intercourse.

08. What is the role of rehabilitation and how can NeuroGen help us?

The essential role of rehabilitation is to help patients with spinal cord injuries and help them become more independent with their daily activities. NeuroGen provides a tailor-made therapy protocol for every patient, with the intent of achieving this independence.

09. What is the role of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury?

autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting is possible for treating spinal cord injuries. Transplantation studies in animals have shown that a transplantation of bone marrow-derived cells or stem-cell-derived cells may add to spinal cord repair by: The interchangeability of the nerve cells that may have passed on owing to producing new cells that restructure the insulating nerve sheath.

To avert an increase in the spinal cord injury level by repressing the harmful inflammation after the occurrence of an injury

10. How does autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury work?

The biological task of bone marrow-derived cells is to replenish and renew damaged cells. autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury exploits this role by administering these cells in high concentrations directly in and around the damaged tissue, where they move forward with its self healing and repair.

11. Are there ethical concerns surrounding adult cell research and therapy?

No, there are no ethical concerns surrounding adult cell research and therapy. Ethical concerns are mostly occurs through the use of embryonic cells. Our cell treatment for spinal cord injury consists of using cells which are taken out from the patient’s own body and it is free from ethical concerns.

12. Is the autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury treatment painful?

No, the autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury is not painful as the therapy is done under local anesthesia and mild sedation. There is no major pain or discomfort during or after the procedure.

13. Does the treatment have any side effects?

The whole cell treatment for spinal cord injury is safe and till date none of our patients have shown any signs of neurological deterioration. In rare cases, side effects like headache for 3-4 days, neck or back pain, vomiting, mild rash or pain at the area of bone marrow aspirations may arise. Some unexpected medical complications can occur but that is just a possibility.

14. How long will it take me to know that I have benefitted from the treatment?

The cell treatment for spinal cord injuries varies from patient to patient. Some patients make a speedy improvement by 3-6 months while in some cases patients take several months or years together to heal. And there are some patients that recover even before their discharge

15. Is the transplantation of the cells done once or more than once?

The transplantation of cells will depend on the condition of the patient. If the patient shows signs of improvement after the first surgery then a second transplantation may be suggested by a team of experts. The second transplantation can transpire anytime between 3-6 months of the first therapy.

16. Can other treatments be taken at the same time?

We will have to review the entire dose of medication before coming upon a decision. Generally we do allow the patients to continue their other medication. But it is better to consult a doctor beforehand

17. How much improvement will the patient have?

Since autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells grafting for spinal cord injury is a new therapy and not an existing one, it is difficult to say. It will depend on several factors like the age of patient, type of illness, duration of illness and extent of rehabilitation taken after the treatment.